Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Breastfeeding During Pregnancy - Is It OK?

Many mothers are not sure whether they can resort to breastfeeding during pregnancy or whether they should wean away. Their doubts are reinforced by the feelings of most of their relatives and friends that breastfeeding during pregnancy might be harmful to the health of the unborn child. However, it has not been conclusively proved that the unborn child might be deprived of essential nutrients if the mother resorts to breastfeeding during pregnancy.
As regards uterine contractions, which are experienced during breastfeeding, the Breastfeeding Answer Book specifically points out that even when sexual activity is performed during pregnancy, uterine contractions do take place and they pose no threat to the health of the pregnant woman. Moreover, there are many divergent views regarding the situations in which breastfeeding during pregnancy might be harmful.
Precautions To Be Taken If You Wish To Breastfeed When You Are Pregnant
If you resort to breastfeeding when you are pregnant, you should ensure that you are comfortably lying down on a mattress on the floor so that you remain comfortable even when your baby moves away to play. Moreover, you should take care that the child is lying in the right position for breastfeeding if you develop tender nipples during your pregnancy. Learning proper breathing techniques can help you cope with the sensitivity created by the tender nipples and to tackle your restlessness while the child is suckling. Making your child nurse more gently and for a shorter time period will also help.
If you find that the weight of your breastfeeding baby is decreasing, you should investigate whether your milk supply decreases are taking place, which normally happen to breastfeeding mothers during the fourth or fifth month of pregnancy. Moreover, since the taste of the milk also changes, the nursing babies might not be taking the full amount of milk and might be weaning.
How To Make Your Toddler Wean During Your Pregnancy
The most common method is to proceed slowly and not offer any breast milk till the toddler asks for it. Even when the child asks for milk, you can distract it by offering a snack. You should also keep away from your usual nursing chair and offer plenty of love to the child by way of hugs and physical attention.
It is entirely up to the mother to decide whether she wishes to allow the older child to continue breastfeeding after the new baby is born. If the older child insists, the mother can try offering her milk in a spoon or in a cup. If, however, the mother feels comfortable in nursing both her children, she can continue doing so in a "tandem nursing" fashion.
Breastfeeding As A Contraceptive
Not many people know that up to about six months after the birth of a child, breastfeeding is almost completely effective as a natural contraceptive provided the mother is not menstruating. As such, if you are breastfeeding after childbirth, you are not likely to get pregnant that easily. However, certain mothers do get pregnant again and for them it can be a wonderful feeling of having a baby in their womb and another baby breastfeeding during pregnancy.

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