Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Three Best Breast Feeding Positions

Because some babies like to feed differently than others, and because you'll want both your baby and yourself to be comfortable in different surroundings and situations, these are three best breast feeding positions that I recommend.
The Cradle position
You may or may not need pillows for the Cradle position. First, place your baby on your lap with your baby's head at the breast you intend to feed from. If your baby's mouth is level with your nipple then you should not need to use a pillow. If you need a pillow find one that allows your nipple and baby's mouth to be level with one another.
Once you feel that you have the right height you can try this position. If you're feeding off your left breast, place your right arm up your baby's back and support your baby's head. With your left hand express a little bit of breast milk. It may help to a massage your breast first. Also have a wet nipple area can help to save your nipples getting sore.
Then place your thumb at the top of your areola and your second figure underneath your areola. Think of it as 6 o'clock on a clock face. Big hand at the 12 and small hand at the 6. Doing this helps to form your breast better for your baby get a better mouthful of your breast. Now your baby's nose should be directly across from your nipple. Keep expressing a little breast milk to interest your baby to feed. When your baby opens his or her mouth wide quickly but gently move your baby's head towards nipple. Do not be forceful; it could put your baby off.
The Rugby (or "Football") position.
Some babies prefer to feed from one side. The best way to deal with this is to use the Ruby position (sometimes called the "Football" position). For example, say your baby likes to only feed on your right side and will not feed from the left breast. Place a pillows (more than one if you need to) on your left side under your arm. Again, check the level of your nipple and your baby's mouth as we discussed above.
Place your baby on the pillows and lie him or her on their side. Check where your breast is in relation to where your baby is lying. If you have to maneuver your breast to your baby then you will struggle to feed comfortably. This is where a breast feeding pillow can come in handy, or an arrangement of pillows on your lap; whatever works for you to position your baby properly.
Do the same thing as described in the Cradle position, but with the baby on your left side, using your left arm to support your baby's body and head. Form your breast as described in the Cradle position. This position makes your baby feel like he or she is feeding off your right breast instead of your left.
The lying down position
This position is easy on both sides, and is similar to the other positions. We are going to try feeding off our right side this time. So we are lying on our right side with your baby lying on his or her side so facing you. Adjust your position until your baby is lying where he or she can best reach your breast. Support you baby's body and head with your right arm. Use your left hand to form your right breast. As with the other two positions, wait until your baby has a wide mouth before offering your breast.
It won't take long
Before you know it, you'll be used to using the position or positions that are most comfortable for you and your baby, and you won't even have to think about what you're doing. It will come naturally!

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