Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Conscious Breastfeeding Tips for a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season

Family gatherings, traveling and socializing during the Holiday Season can quickly fill up the time card of even the most energetic person. It can be most daunting for a mother, especially if she is breastfeeding.
No matter where you are in this experience, these "Conscious Breastfeeding" Tips are designed to bring some much deserved cheer.
C is for Consistency. The cornerstone of a "Conscious Breastfeeding" experience is that the mother feeds with intention. Knowing your current patterns of feeding will help you to maintain some continuity wherever you find yourselves during the holidays. Babies do better with routines as do their breastfeeding mothers.
O is for Organization. Whether you are at home or traveling during this busy season, some advance preparation will help reduce the stress when all the family is gathered. Have nutritious snacks prepared for a road trip or plane ride. Try to schedule your trips to coincide with the feeding and sleeping patterns of your breastfeeding baby. If you will be entertaining family and friends, prepare food and shop ahead of the rush of visitors. Accept the offers of help with decorating, food prep and child care.
N is for Nutrition. Breastfeeding is Nature's best food for the baby. To have tons of energy and ample milk, you should remember to eat well and focus on wholesome choices whenever possible. Everyone is offering goodies at this time of year; sample them, but do not overindulge. Drastic shifts in your blood sugar will take a toll on your mood and enjoyment of the holiday season.
C is for Couple Time. Spending special time with your partner will enhance the closeness of your nuclear family unit. It recharges your battery and creates powerful and special memories for the future. Plan dates to begin after a feeding time; enjoy your time alone together knowing that your baby is safe in the care of grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins or good friends.
I is for being In-Synch with your Baby. Problems such as Clogged Ducts and Mastitis often happen around the holidays. This is often a direct result of the mother being over-tired and distracted, skipping too many feedings, or pumping and breastfeeding more than usual. The best approach is to maintain the patterns of breastfeeding that have been in play and working well. Do this at home or on the road. The breasts do not react well to dramatic shifts in how they are drained.
O is for Optimize. The secret of "Conscious Breastfeeding" is that it is based upon the mother being aware of what she is "doing" at all times throughout the breastfeeding experience. You should leave nothing to chance so that your baby will quickly learn a rhythmic feeding pattern. Do not let the short holiday period cause chaos that impacts your overall breastfeeding experience.
U is for Unwind. It is extremely important for a mother to have "alone time". Let your partner, family and friends help you out by giving you personal mini breaks. Especially during the holidays, but at any time, they can take care of your breastfeeding baby and allow you to catch up on the care and nurturing of your spirit. The secret is to arrange these restorative activities around the feedings...do a mini spa at the hair and/or nail salon, take a yoga class, read a book, go for a walk, run or swim, take a long leisurely bath or get a massage. Maintaining your personal health and well-being is essential to being a happy breastfeeding mom.
S is for Support. Get everyone on your team. Too often it seems as though there is a tug of war for the baby that revs up around the holidays when all the family are gathered. Engage your family and friends as your support system. Get them vested in helping you to reach your breastfeeding goals. Help them to understand how important it is for you to breastfeed and encourage their participation as the entertainment committee.

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