Are you wondering if breastfeeding your baby is right for you? Breastfeeding is a very personal decision and can be difficult to make, especially for first time mothers. Breastfeeding is not the right choice for all mothers.
Some women wait until after the birth of their baby to decide if breastfeeding is best. A woman's milk supply may be weak, making breastfeeding difficult. Your milk supply will not begin until several days after the birth of your baby and there is no way to predict or ensure the amount of milk that your body will produce. Every woman's milk supply is different and every pregnancy is unique.
For other women, the idea of sore nipples and public breast feeding is enough to deter them from breastfeeding their baby. Bruised and sore nipples and the stares of strangers as you breastfeed in public are a few of the major drawbacks of breastfeeding.
Some women choose to endure sore nipples and shy away from public breastfeeding, choosing instead to feed their baby in restrooms and back seats while out in public because they believe the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the pain, inconvenience and potential humiliation.
There are many books, articles and videos available about breastfeeding to help you prepare to make your decision. A lactation specialist, your obstetrical nurse or nurse practitioner will be happy to answer any questions you have about breastfeeding.
Choosing to breastfeed your baby can be a rewarding and healthy experience for both you and your baby, but knowing what to expect and weighing the benefits against the inconveniences will help you decide if breastfeeding your baby is the right choice for you.
Before you make a decision about breastfeeding your baby, it is important to obtain some information about breastfeeding and what exactly it entails. Once you have some general knowledge about breastfeeding, you will be better prepared to decide if breastfeeding your baby will be a better fit for your life than formula feeding.
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